Thursday, March 22, 2012

Strong to the Finish, ‘Cause I Eats Me Grilled Spinach

Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables out there, but who wants to eat spinach salads every day?  Cooking spinach on the grill adds a great flavor that you obviously won't get sauteing it.

So, here’s a great, easy recipe for grilled spinach.


Olive oil
Lemon juice


1.    Wash spinach carefully.  It can be gritty if you don’t.
2.    Remove stems from spinach.  This is pretty boring and by far the worst part of grilling spinach.  If you have a child that has misbehaved, instead of grounding them, make them remove stems from spinach.  For my fellow DC people – this also makes a great intern project.

3.    Drizzle with olive oil, a little lemon juice, and then add salt and pepper to taste.
4.    Place on vegetable grate, and grill for 3 minutes, covered.

5.    Stir with spatula, re-cover, and grill another 2-3 minutes, or until wilted.  Remove and serve.  

This grilled spinach recipe goes really well with grilled red bell peppers.  We ate both with some grilled chicken.  Highly recommend giving this recipe a try if you’re looking for a healthy, tasty, grilled side dish. 

If you like this recipe, please be sure to click on the links below to share it! And don’t forget to follow @youcangrillthat on Twitter! 

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