Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fall-off-the-Bone Smoked Ribs on the Grill

Looking to make tender, juicy, fall-off-the-bone smoked baby back ribs on the grill?  Give this recipe a try - you won't regret it!

Ingredients (serves 4):

1 rack baby back ribs
Ketchup and molasses BBQ sauce (or whatever sauce you prefer)

Dry rub:
1 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion salt
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes


1.    At least one hour (and up to 24 hours) before you’re ready to cook, apply the dry rub.  First you’ll need to remove the membrane (a thin layer of skin on the bone side of the ribs). The easiest way to do this is to insert a dull kitchen knife between the membrane and the bone, then move it around to loosen the membrane away from the ribs. Once its loose, pull it off using your hands in one large piece.  Removing the membrane will help more of the dry rub and the smoke flavors get into the meat.
2.    Combine all dry rub ingredients and rub generously over ribs.  Keep in refrigerator until 30 minutes before cooking time. Remove from fridge and let sit for 30 minutes to reach room temperature.
3.    While ribs are sitting, heat about 16-20 pieces of charcoal in a chimney starter (here's the one I use) and soak some wood chunks in water.  Place the coals on one side of the grill.  Add the wood chunks to the coals a few minutes before you’re ready to start cooking. Place a drip pan on the other side of the grill, below where you'll put the ribs.
4.    Place the ribs on the opposite side of the grill from the coals and wood chunks in a rib rack (like this one) or bone-side down. Cover the grill, with the holes in the lid open and directly above the ribs to get a good smoke flow.
5.    Cook for three and a half hours, adding about 8-10 coals and another pre-soaked wood chunk every hour of grilling time.
6.    After three and a half hours, brush the meat with the BBQ sauce. Close lid and cook another 10 minutes, then remove ribs from grill.
7.    Let ribs rest for 10 minutes.
8.    Using a sharp knife, cut through the ribs between the bones.

9.    Toss the ribs in the sauce, serve and enjoy.

If you like this recipe, please be sure to click on the links below to share it! And don’t forget to follow @youcangrillthat on Twitter! 

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